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BOUJOUR VOUS POUVER M'AIDER SVP j'ai un oral de anglais de 3ème sur Sassuke vous POUVER M'AIDER SVP​

Sagot :

In the anime and manga, Sasuke is part of the Uchiha clan, a powerful clan in the village of Konoha. The members were exterminated when Sasuke was still a child by his older brother, Itachi. His sole objective will be to avenge the extermination of his clan, a task he will pursue at all costs.

Originally cold, lonely, and only concerned with his revenge, he bonds with other characters, including Naruto, with whom he forms a bond of rivalry and friendship, and Sakura Haruno, whom he initially despised but who gradually will become a friend. All three learn ninja arts under the authority of Kakashi Hatake. Dissatisfied with his progress, he deserts the village of Konoha to gain the strength necessary for his revenge alongside Orochimaru.

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