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My name is Edith Russell, i'm a fashion buyer , and this is my history when i was on the Titanic
-April,10th.1912, this is day of the titanic landing , the weather was cloudy but i was so happy to be on the titanic, there was so many passenger and they were excited to be the first passenger on the titanic, and i was excited like them. When i was in the board i was so impress, all the decoration was beautiful , and the inside oh the titanic was so big and sophisticated.
-April,13th.1912, we were at the sea for 3 days, my room was the biggest room i've ever had, instead i was in a board my room still big , luxury and cordial, and i had my own bathroom who was luxury too. At the dinner we were eating caviar and drinking wine, that was the most expensive dinner i've never eaten. After the dinner , there was a auction, and i was buying all the clothes for my collection.
-April,15th.1912, i was one of the survivors of the crash. the crash was the april,14th.1912 , everything were ok, we all listing the singer and ate our dinner. But somethings happen , there was a huge crash , everyone were scared, and i was too , the captain said that the titanic hit an iceberg, and we had to get out of the titanic quickly when the rescuer arrived, but the rescuer were to slow, the water start to enter in the titanic, and many of us was dead when the rescuer arrived because the titanic had completely sunk, only the people who were on debris of the titanic still alive , and i was one off them, so i was on the Carpathia with all the passenger who still alive. I had such a chance for being alive.
Il y a surement quelques fautes , mais j'espere que ca va t'aider
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