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Bonjour,je ne comprend pas cette exercice puis je avoir de l'aide merci​

Bonjourje Ne Comprend Pas Cette Exercice Puis Je Avoir De Laide Merci class=

Sagot :


Patrick wants to visit the Tower of London, and eat in a good restaurant.

He would never visit the Hyde Park.

Kate loves the Buckingham Palace, so she will visit it.

She also wants to see a musical.

She doesn't like the Tower of London.

John and Brian would like to go to the Trafalgar Square, as well as the British Museum.

However, they don't want to go to the Westminster Abbey.

Pour TON séjour, tu peux faire la même chose, en changeant simplement ton nom, et ton activité.

Réponse :

Patrick wants to visit the Tower of London, and eat in a good restaurant. He doesn’t want to visit the Hyde Park.
Kate loves the Buckingham Palace, so she will visit it. She also wants to see a musical. She doesn't like the Tower of London.

John and Brian would like to go to the Trafalgar Square, as well as the British Museum. However, wouldn’t  go to the Westminster Abbey.

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