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Merci d'avance ​

Bonjour Pouvez Vous MaiderMerci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1- He didn't invest a lot of money in his business.

   Did he invest a lot of money in his business?

2- They didn't eat and drink in a fast food restaurant.

    Did they eat and drink in a fast food restaurant?

3- She didn't invented a new apple pie recipe.

   Did she invent a new apple pie recipe?

4- You didn't know the company.

   Did you know the company?

5- I didn't go to the pub.

    Did I go to the pub?

6- He didn't come with Jane.

   Did he come with Jane?



                                   SIMPLE PAST - PRÉTÉRIT

Interrogative form (?)

Did + sujet +base verbale + complément?

Negative form (-)

Sujet + didn't ( = did not ) + base verbale + complément.

Réponse :


(+) He invested a lot of money in his business.

(?) Did he invest a lot of money in his business?

(-) He didn't invest a lot of money in his business.


(+) They ate and drank in a fast food restaurant.

(?) Did they eat and drink in a fast food restaurant?

(-)They didn't eat and drink in a fast food restaurant.


(+) She invented a new apple pie recipe.

(?) Did she invent a new apple pie recipe?

() She din't invent a new apple pie recipe.


(+) You knew the company.

(?) Did you know the company?

(-) You didn't know the company.


(+) I went to the pub.

(?) Did I go to the pub?

(-) I didn't go to the pub.


(+) He came with Jane.

(?) Did he come with Jane?

(-) He didn't come with Jane.

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