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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aidez svp

Complète les phrases en conjuguant les verbes au simple past ou au past perfect.

Yesterday, Mandy (go) to a café after work. She (sit) down at a table
outside the café and (look) at the menu. When the waiter (come) to take
her order, she (be) surprised. It (be) James, an old friend from school.

They (not /see) each other for at least five years. So, they (tell) each other what
(happen) in the past five years.

Last weekend, my parents
(not/be) at home, so I
(organize) a party with
my friends. My parents
(tell) me not to invite friends at home, but I
(not/care), and I
(invite) them anyway.

Merci :)

Sagot :



Réponse :

Complète les phrases en conjuguant les verbes au simple past ou au past perfect.

Yesterday, Mandy went to a café after work. She sat down at a table outside the café and looked at the menu. When the waiter came to take her order, she was surprised. It was James, an old friend from school.They hadn't seen  each other for at least five years. So, they told each other what had happened in the past five years.

Last weekend, my parents weren't at home, so I organized a party with my friends. My parents had told me not to invite friends at home, but I didn't care , and I invited them anyway.

Explications :

simple past /prétérit : pour les actions passées ...

past perfect ( had + participe passé ) : pour les actions antérieures à des actions passées.