est la solution idéale pour ceux qui recherchent des réponses rapides et précises à leurs questions. Trouvez des réponses rapides et fiables à vos questions grâce à notre communauté dévouée d'experts. Trouvez des solutions détaillées à vos questions grâce à une large gamme d'experts sur notre plateforme conviviale de questions-réponses.

Complete avec EVER NEVER, ALREADY, AGO, NOT YET, JUST et conjugue les verbes
entre parentheses au temps qui convient
-I'd love to go to NY. Have you..
...been there?
-No, I have........
..been there, but I have
...been to
the States, to California, to be more precise.
-Great! When did you go to California?
..... (go) there about 5 years....
in 2000 I think
-What did you visit there ? Did you like it?
-Yes, I really ......
-(enjoy) this place!
Los Angeles, and even Beverly hills. I also.
(see) the Hollywood studios
and even
(meet) a few stars in the streets ! 11
-(be) fantastic!
- have.
received a letter from a friend of mine, who
-(stay) there at the moment, and he
..(say) it's great too
-Shall we try and go together for the next holiday ?
-Well, I have........
been abroad* (à l'étranger).
! Why not? It will be my
first trip to a foreign country without my parents, on my own!

Svp aider moi merci d avance

Complete Avec EVER NEVER ALREADY AGO NOT YET JUST Et Conjugue Les Verbes Entre Parentheses Au Temps Qui Convient Id Love To Go To NY Have You Been There No I Ha class=

Sagot :



complete avec EVER NEVER, ALREADY, AGO, NOT YET, JUST et conjugue les verbes entre parentheses au temps qui convient

le present perfect. avec "ever" "never" "just" "not..yet", "already"

==> have (au présent) + participe passé

le past simple avec "ago" (action passée datée et terminée)

le present Be + V-ing s'il y a un indicateur de temps que cela se passe en ce moment..... (at the moment)

-I'd love to go to NY. Have you ever been there?

-No, I haven't been there, but I have already been to the States, to California, to be more precise.

-Great! When did you go to California?

-I went there about 5 years ago,  in 2000 I think.

-What did you visit there ? Did you like it?

-Yes, I really enjoyed this place! I visited Los Angeles, and even Beverly hills. I also saw the Hollywood studios and even met a few stars in the streets ! It was fantastic!

-  I have just received a letter from a friend of mine, who is staying there at the moment, and he is saying it's great too.

-Shall we try and go together for the next holiday ?

-Well, I have never been abroad!  Why not? It will be my first trip to a foreign country without my parents, on my own!


bonne journée ☺☺☺


✔️ Bună am văzut și tu la locuri și eu un pic și am făcut un calcul pentru că a făcut și o să

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