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Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the past simple. Tommy Brown 1) likes (like) making up stories. No one 2) (believe) what he 3) (say) because he always 4) (tell) lies. He 5) (live) in a small village and 6) (work) on a farm just outside the village. One night last week, Tommy 7) (finish) work late. It 8) (be) dark and cold. Suddenly, he 9 (hear) a strange noise, so he 10) (look) up. It 11) (be) a UFO with bright flashing lights. The UFO 12) ..... (come down) towards him and he 13) (see) two green men looking at him from inside. He 14) (scream), 15) (drop) his bag and 16 (run away). When he 17) (arrive) in the village, he 18) (run) into some villagers and 19) (start) telling them about the aliens but they all 20) (laugh) at him. No one 21) (believe) Tommy​

Sagot :

1) likes 2) believes 3) says 4) tells 5) lives 6) works 7) finished 8) was 9) heard 10) looked 11) was 12) came down 13) saw 14) screamed 15) dropped 16) ran away 17) arrives 18) ran 19) started 20) laughed 21) believed