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à Julia avec les bonnes
past - round - out of -
behind - in front of - from.

Dear Steven,
Yesterday, I visited Brighton. It's a seaside resort ... the South of England.
I arrived in the morning the train station (... London), then I walked ...
the town to Queen's Park. I walked ... the park, then I walked ... the Royal
Pavilion on my way to the beach. I arrived ... the seafront, ... the Fun Palace
pier. The pier is amazing: the city is ... you, and there's only the sea ... you!
See you soon.
Julia XX
Svp merci bcp

Sagot :

Réponse :

Yesterday, I visited Brighton. It's a seaside resort in the South of England. I arrived in the morning the train station (from London), then I walked round the town to Queen's Park. I walked out of the park, then I walked through the Royal Pavilion on my way to the beach. I arrived near the seafront, past the Fun Palace pier. The pier is amazing: the city is behind you, and there's only the sea in front of you!

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