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Sagot :
Hello !
J'ai essayée de faire de mon mieux pour pouvoir aider un minimum.
Alors première partie :
1) Would you like to come to my party ?
2) David and Jane saw a puppy for sale.
3) Why do I have to my homework ?
4) How much do those apples cost ?
5) On Wednesday, I am going to the museum in London.
6) Sunita had a baby and named him John.
7) Have you ever been to America ?
8) Cinderella thought that prince charming was handsome !
9) Would you prefer chips or a baked potato ?
10) Jessie knew that Fred would get himself into trouble.
11) Where is Kirsty ?
12) My favourite book is Harry Potter.
13) Jake was upset, because he lost his yoyo.
14) Gary played a game with his friends.
15) What time do I have to go to bed ?
Deuxième partie :
1) Nita wrote a shopping list for bread, eggs, cheese and milk.
2) Dean and Sara bought a new kitten and named it Ziggy.
3) Why do I have to go to school ?
4) What a beautiful day it is today !
5) My nan flew to Spain last Thursday.
6) Lizzie saw horses, cows, sheep and pigs at Hollybrook farm.
7) Have you ever seen queen Elizabeth ?
8) Little red riding hood went to visit her grandmother.
9) Which vegetables would you like with your lunch ?
10) Jamil wondered where Geeta had gone.
11) Where did I put my golfing magazine ?
12) Have you ever read the wizard of Oz ?
13) How inconsiderate you have been !
14) Lewis made a silly mistake and Sam laughed at him.
15) When do Jack and Cai finish school ?
Dernière et troisième partie :
1) "Would you like to come to my party ?" asked James.
2) Stop that right now mum shouted !
3) "How do I get to the shops ?" the old man asked.
4) Please behave yourself said mum or you wont have dessert.
5) Jessica wrote a shopping list for milk, bread, jam and butter.
6) "How much are your tomatoes ?" enquired dad.
7) "I can't wait to go to London !" cried Hussain.
8) I went to the farm and saw sheep, pigs, cows and horses !
9) On Wednesday, were going to the cinema.
10) "Have you ever been to America ?" asked the teacher.
11) Would you like a cake ?
12) My favourite book is Harry Potter; what is yours ?
13) We went to the cafe and ordered some drinks.
14) "You need glue, scissors, paper and felt tips" she advised.
15) She got home to chaos, there were goats everywhere !
J'espère que ça a pu aider. :)
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