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Bonjour, pourriez vous m’aider dans un devoir en anglais je suis en 3e

Réécrivez ces deux phrases pour n’en faire qu’une seule en utilisant :
where, when, who et which

a) New Orleans is the home of jazz. It had its roots in the slave rebellion.

b) One of the early greats was Louis Armstrong. He came from New Orleans.

c) The music has inspired many musicians. They adapt it to other genres.

d) A guided tour takes your round parts of the city. They visit the homes of famous jazz players.

e) The music took off in the 1920's. It became popular throughout America.

Sagot :

Réponse :a) New Orleans is the home of jazz which had its roots in the slave rebellion.

b) One of the early greats was Louis Armstrong who came from New Orleans.

c) The music has inspired many musicians which they adapt  to other genres.

d) A guided tour takes your round parts of the city where they visit the homes of famous jazz players.

e) The music took off in the 1920's when it became popular throughout America.

Explications :

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