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Sagot :
Last weekend, Mrs Willis drove into the car park and dropped her son Tom off.
He raced across the field to meet his
friends and coach.
But he tripped over some logs and
landed in a ball of pain on the grass.
His left arm hurts.
When Anni heard him, she realised
that Tom might have broken his arm as it
was a funny shape.
Tom wailed. She told him to hold it still and not move his arm.
After that, she borrowed his phone and
called 999 for the emergency services.
Although his arm hurts a lot, he felt much better because Anni and his coach were with him.
He raced across the field to meet his
friends and coach.
But he tripped over some logs and
landed in a ball of pain on the grass.
His left arm hurts.
When Anni heard him, she realised
that Tom might have broken his arm as it
was a funny shape.
Tom wailed. She told him to hold it still and not move his arm.
After that, she borrowed his phone and
called 999 for the emergency services.
Although his arm hurts a lot, he felt much better because Anni and his coach were with him.
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