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3 Correct the sentences with the words. a century /a kilometre/ a millennium/ a ton /a year /an hour/ days /months/ seconds
There are twelve days in a year.
There are a hundred years in months
3 There are sixty hours in a minute.
There are a thousand kilos in a gram
4 There are sixty minutes in a day.
There are a thousand years in a century
6 There are usually 365 weeks in a year
There are fifty-two weeks in a a year.
7 there are fifty two weeks in a millennium There are a thousand metres in a centimetre
plz thank you ​

Sagot :

1) there are twelve months in a year.
2) there are a hundred years in a century
3) there are sixty second in a minute
4) there are a thousand in a ton
5) there are sixty minutes in an hour
6) there are hundred years years in a century
7) there are usually 365 days in a year
There are fifty two weeks in a year



Réponse :

1) There are twelve months in a year. 

2) There are a hundred years in a century

3) There are sixty seconds in a minute 

4) There are a thousand kilos in a ton

5) There are sixty minutes in an hour 

6) there are a thousand  years in a millennium 

7) there are usually 365 days in a year 

8) There are fifty-two weeks in a year 

9) There are a thousand metres in a kilometre


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