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Bonjour, j’ai une tache final à faire en anglais, je dois présenter Rosa parks en quelques phrases (environ 6/7lignes) AU PRÉTÉRIT.
Merci d’avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

Rosa Parks was born the 4 February of 1913 at Tuskegeet (Alabama) in the Usa. She was a black woman. At eleven years old, she was sent by her parents to the Industrial School for Girl at Montgomery. In 1932 she married Raymond Park. She had to stop her studies because she had to take care of her mom and her grandma cause they were sick, but after marrying raymond parks she returned to full-time studies and got her degree. It was rare back in time to study when you're black but she did it. During her whole life she used to be a seamstress, a caregiver and a maid. Rosa Parks became a member of the American Civil Rights Movement. The first December 1955 Rosa Parks took the bus and the driver asked her to stand up and give her place to a white man, she refused and after that she was arrested and went to jail. Rosa Parks fought during her whole against racial equality and because of what ses did, she became an icon, a strong symbol of the fight against segregation in the United States. Rosa parks got many rewards for her fight such as the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Congressional Gold Medal and more she was a really strong woman.

Explications :

J'espère que ça t'aidera hahaha :)

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