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Bonjour, aider moi à corriger l'exercice.Merci d'avance.
Exercice :Use the correct answer to fill in the blanks.
1-Heat the oil till bubble.
a)begin. b)begins c)will begin.
2)I'd rather train tomorrow.
a)go. b)will go. c)went.
3)Things have now Taken a decisive turn.... .
a)for the best. b)for better. c)for the better.
4)They are taught....their self-control.
a)never losing. b)not to have lost. c)never to lose.
5)It is the second time I...for my books.
a)have asked. b)ask. c)asked.
6)....of their two books is good.
a)Either. b)both. c)nor.
7)She carried....with her work in spite of all interruption.
a)out. b)On. c)for.
8)Jack and Smith were at home....of them went to Scholl.
a)neither. b)either. c)too.
9)The sooner we....The sooner we'll get there.
a)started. b)Start. c)we'll start.
10)It is high time we....the garage.
a)Cleaned. b)clean. c)are cleaning.

Sagot :

1) Heat the oil till it begins to bubble.

2) I'd rather you go by train tomorrow.

3) Things have now Taken a decisive turn for the better.

4) They are taught never losing their self-control.

5) It is the second time I ask for my books.

6) Either of their two books is good.

7) She carried out with her work in spite of all interruption.

8) Jack and Smith were at home neither to them went to school.

9) The sooner we started the sooner we'll get there.

10) It is high time we clean the garage.

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