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Quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à mettre se text au présent perfect svp

My name is Jack, I have 13 years old I suffered a helicopter crash and I survived with the pilot who is called Michel but the others died. it's been five days since we've been stranded on a desert island, I started to make a hut but I'm missing some material so I tried to make a stain with pieces of helicopter making but I didn't did not succeed. Michel managed to catch mangoes and small fish, he made a fire with his lighter which had almost no more gas. during this time i had a little accident because i slipped off a rock and then i fell in the water but the current carried me away and i ended up falling from a not very high waterfall so if you can help us please. I think we are heading to Australia

Sagot :

Réponse :

My name is Jack, I am 13 years old. I suffered a helicopter crash and I survived with the pilot who is called Michel, but sadly the others died. It's been five days since we've been stranded on a desert island. I started to make a hut but I'm missing some material so I tried to make a stain with pieces of helicopter making but I didn't succeed. Michel managed to catch mangoes and small fish. He also made a fire with his lighter, which had almost no more gas. During this time, I had a little accident because I slipped off a rock and then I fell in the water, but the current carried me away and I ended up falling from a not very high waterfall so if you can help us, please. I think we are heading to Australia.

Explications :

je pense que ton text est bon comme ca:) tu écris dans le présent et tu parle du passé alors j'ai arrangé ton text un peu..tu m'écriera dans les commentaire si tu as des question:)

Bonne chance!

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