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Bonjour, pouvez-vous m’aider ? merci !
N oo oi
4. She
(talk) to John on the phone when I
(walk) in
(she/know) they
(come) to the party?
6. How many people
(sit) in the waiting room when you
(meet) them in the street while I
The postman
(arrive) while I _(leave) the house,
9. The children
(make) so much noise that I
(not/hear) the phone ring.
(walk) down by the river when it
(start) to rain
11. The storm
(start) while we
(drive) back from
12. They
(meet) when they
(work) in Paris.
What time
(she/arrive) last night?
14. He
(break) his foot while he
(play) football on
15. I
(not/like) to disturb her because she
16. I (cut) my finger while I
(chop) vegetables
17. The plane
(leave) over an hour late.
18. I
(drive) fast when I was flashed by the speed camera.
19. What
(you/do) at 8 p.m. yesterday?
20. My parents (go) to several concerts while they
(stay) in Paris.

Bonjour Pouvezvous Maider Merci 7 N Oo Oi 4 She Talk To John On The Phone When I Walk In 5 Sheknow They Come To The Party 6 How Many People Sit In The Waiting R class=

Sagot :

4. She was talking to John.. when I walked in
5. Does she know they will come
6. Were sitting..when you arrived
7. I met them.. i was shopping
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