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Bonjour aidez moi svp je n’y arrive pas

Bonjour Aidez Moi Svp Je Ny Arrive Pas class=

Sagot :



Réponse :

1. tolerance a.the ability to accept ideas, opinions or behaviours that are different to yours

2. warm-hearted ( chaleureux, généreux, affectueux ) h.having a caring and giving attitude towards other people

3. considerate ( prévenant, délicat, attentionné)e. caring and nice in their manner

4. distressed g. deeply worried and anxious

5. humanity c. the population of the world

6. mercy f. the choice of kindness when you have power over someone and can do them harm

7. charitable  d. thinking about the needs of others8. kindly b. of a friendly and kind nature
