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Svp aidez moi pour l’exercice: D) Questions about the text
1). What is the Easter trardition in Washington?
2) Where did it first take place?
3) When did Congress put an end to the tradition?
4) Why did President Hayes restore it?
5) Who reintroduced the tradition in 1953?
6) Up to what age can children practise it?

Svp Aidez Moi Pour Lexercice D Questions About The Text 1 What Is The Easter Trardition In Washington 2 Where Did It First Take Place 3 When Did Congress Put An class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) the tradition is to go to the capitol with hard-boiled eggs and they rolled them on the lawn

2) it took place in Washington DC

3) in 1878

4) he restored because he want to do like in this childhood

5) it was the president Einsenhower

6) for children up to the age of eight years old

Explications :