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Sagot :
Bonjour j’espère que ça répondra à la question :
T : touriste
O : office de tourisme
O: Welcome to the tourist office, what can we do for you ?
T: Hello, do you have a map please ?
O: Yes we do, please wait a minute… and here you are.
T: Thank you very much. Oh, I forgot, can you tell me where is the bathroom in here ?
O: Of course, they are next to the other office. You’re going to turn left and left again, and the bathroom will be right in front of you.
T: Thank you !
O: Have a nice day !
T: You too, thanks !
T : touriste
O : office de tourisme
O: Welcome to the tourist office, what can we do for you ?
T: Hello, do you have a map please ?
O: Yes we do, please wait a minute… and here you are.
T: Thank you very much. Oh, I forgot, can you tell me where is the bathroom in here ?
O: Of course, they are next to the other office. You’re going to turn left and left again, and the bathroom will be right in front of you.
T: Thank you !
O: Have a nice day !
T: You too, thanks !
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