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I Je m'entraîne Complete avec Ø, who, whose ou which:

1. Meryl Streep is the only actress ... has had 18 Oscar nominations

2. My Week with Marilyn is the biopic of a man ... life was changed by Marilyn Monroe

3. The Lord of the Rings is one of the numerous films ... have been shot in New Zeaa

4. The man ... Di Caprio played in The Wolf of Wall Street is a corrupt stockbroker

5. The show ... got the Emmy Award for Outstanding Drama Series this year is my favourite one!

6. Psycho is a film ... terrified generations of viewers. ​

Sagot :

Bonjour !

1. Who
3. Which
5. //

Réponse :

1. who

2. whose

3. which

4. which

5. which

6. which

Explications :

Voici ce que j'aurais mis, mais je ne suis pas sûre que j'ai tout juste !