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Sagot :
Réponse :
Women football has always been at the center of the controversy, for a very long time only the males were allowed to play professionally and be paid astronomical amount of money, while women were only there to support them. But that all changed near the 20th century. The history of women's football began in Great Britain. "While the sport remained exclusively male during the 19th century, the 1880s marked a turning point. In May 1881, the first 'international' women's football match was held in Edinburgh between Scotland and England. And in 1890 the first women football club was created. Although a few years later, football became even more feminine with the arrival of the first matches after the war, it was still far from being viewed in a positive light. Le Siècle of 26 March 1919, for example, put the word "athletes" in inverted commas and said that the sport was "a bit hard on most female anatomies". But the mentalities are growing up and opening their mind about this new way of sport.In May 1920, photographs of a France-England match can be seen.But in 1921, the Football Association (English football federation) forbade women to go on the field. In France, it was the same thing. "Despite the growing popularity of the game and in order not to compete with men's football, the English Football Association banned women from playing in 1921," writes Claire Gaillard. "This was a blow to France, which had been inspired by the British avant-garde until then. In 1933, the sport was banned by the Federation and gradually died out until the end of the Second World War.It was not until the end of the Second World War that women's football began to be democratised again, to the extent that it is now flourishing around this World Cup.
All or that to say that women had to fight to have the wright to do what they want, they were humiliated and treated the bad way through history. Happily it’s changing enven they are still not paid equally to the men.
Explications :
Bon, je me suis un peu emballée mais voilà :)
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