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Correa story - a Coca-Cola was invented in 1886 by a chemist called John Pemberton, who lived in Atlanta. The name of Coca-Cola comes from two ingredients: coca leaves and cola nuts. At first, Pemberton tried to sell Coca-Cola as a medicine and told his customers it was good for headaches. But they didn't buy it because they didn't believe him. John Pemberton died in 1888 and a man named Asa s Candler bought the recipe. He decided to sell it, not as a medicine but as a drink. In 1892, he spent $12,000 on advertising it and Coca-Cola became the most famous drink in the USA. In 1941, when the USA entered WWII", the 10 President of The Coca-Cola Company at that time promised to send bottles of Coke to the soldiers all over the world. Five billion bottles were sent everywhere and that's why Coca-Cola is now world famous! The recipe for Coca-Cola is kept secret in a safe is in Atlanta and the ingredients are simply called 'natural flavourings. No one knows what Pemberton used to make his medicine in the first place, but when The Coca-Cola Company made a small change in the recipe in 1985, millions of people complained. The company then decided to go back to the original recipe in the safe! Coca-Cola Je comprends
1 Quel autre titre pourrait convenir au texte? Coche la réponse de ton choix.
The Famous Coca-Cola Recipe
The Most Popular Drink in the USA
A Great Medicine
2 En t'aidant des phrases du texte, rétablis la chronologie des événements en numérotant les cases de 1 à 5.
a. The recipe was changed and millions of people complained.
b. Asa Candler spent a fortune on advertising Coke.
Coca-Cola became the most popular drink in the USA.
Coca-Cola was sold as a medicine.
e. Everywhere in the world, people discovered the famous drink.