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Sagot :
Bonsoir, (j'ai fait un copier-coller d'un test que j'avais aussi faite) :
It was a Saturday evening, that day was weird, no noise, no life in the city, nothing. it was like everybody decided not to go out suddenly. In the police station a phone rang… Finally someone is alive! But wait, It’s a murder ! So the policemen went to the detective [invente un prénom de detective]’s office. [she/he] was feeling lonely but when [he/she] knew that she had a murder to investigate [she/he] was so happy. Then they all got to the place. It was in a hotel, at 7pm39. they arrived in the room where the crime had been committed. They opened the door and…BLOOD, all they could see was blood, everything was covered in blood. In the middle of the room, a dead body, a bloody dead body. How could someone do this to another? They began to inspect. All they found was a knife, the victim was stabbed seven times in the heart. They also found a phone. It wasn’t the victim’s phone, It was [her/his] brother’s one. [suspect 1 (invente un prénom)]. They found only four contacts on the cellphone. -[suspect2] the victim’s [husband/wife], -[suspect 3], her bully, -[suspect 4], [his/her] best friend, -and [invente un prénom à la victime], the victim. But weirdly it was [suspect2]’s DNA on the phone. [suspect3]could be [her/his] killer because he hated [him/her] so much that he just could have killed [him/her], [suspect4]couldn’t have killed [her/him] he was [her/his] best friend! [suspect1] could have killed [her/him] because his phone was found on the crime scene. [suspect2] was surely the murderer because his DNA was everywhere, but why did he killed his [wife/husband] ? They asked him and he couldn’t keep it so he just told the truth. He killed [her/him] because he was so deeply in love that he wanted to be [her/his] last love so he killed her. That was an easy crime. [suspect2] was immediately arrested and put in jail.
Donc voilà, oui c'est un peu long mais bon, bonne soirée !
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