Aider moi s’il vous plaît mercii d’avance j’ai mis en une photo les questions et le texte il n’est pas complet il n’y a pas tout car j’ai pas de eu la place je vous mais la suite du texte ➡️ jot ouf some micromave chips and a micromane mini pizza
"vou know I don't like recipes,; ahe told her facher,
while her dinner went round and round and the ite
red numbers on the microwave oven counted down to
If you tried it, maybe you'd like it;? said Coraline's
father, but she shook her head.
That night, Coraline lay awake, in her bed. The
rain had stopped; and she was almost asléep when
something went t-t-t-t-t-t. She sat up in bed.
Something went kreeee
i. aauak.
Coraline got out of bed and looked down the hall.
but saw nothing strange. She walked down the hall-
way. From her parents' bedroom came a low snoring
- that was her father ~ and an occasional sleeping
mutter ~ that was her mother.
Coraline wondered if she'd dreamed it, whatever it
Something moved.
It was little more than a shadow, and it scuttled
down the darkened hall fast, like a little patch of night.
She hoped it wasn't a spider. Spiders made Coraline intensely uncomfortable.
The black shape went into the drawing room and
Coraline followed it in, a little nervously.
The room was dark. The only light came from the
hall, and Coraline, who was standing in the doorway,
cast a huge and distorted shadow on to the drawing-
toom carpet: she looked like a thin giant woman,
Coraline was just wondering whether or not she
ought to turn on the light when she saw the black
shape edge slowly out from beneath the sofa. It
paused, and then dashed silently across the carpet
towards the farthest corner of the room.
There was no furniture, in that corner of the room.
Coraline turned on the light.
There was nothing in the corner. Nothing but the
old door that opened on to the brick wall.
She was sure that her mother had shut the door,
but now it was ever so slightly open. Just a crack.
Coraline went over to it and looked in. There was
nothing there - just a wall, built of red bricks.
Coraline closed the old wooden door, turned out
the light, and went back to bed.
She dreamed of black shapes that slid from place to
place, avoiding the light, until they were all gathered ogether under the moon. Litle black shapes win
Hitle red eyes and sharp yellow teeth.
They started to sing:
We are small but we are many.
We are many, we are small
We were bere before you rose
We will be here when you fall.
were high and whispery and slightly
whiny. They made Coraline feel uncomfortable.
Then Coraline dreamed a few commercials, and after that she dreamed of nothing at all voici le reste du texte