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Bonjour j'ai besoin de votre aideeeee!!!
Pour demain je doit inventé une histoire sur les pirates en Anglais mais je n'y arrive pas il me faut au moin faire 20 ligne ou je ne le fais pas je pourrais me prendre 1h de colle dans l'histoire il doit il y avoir
présenter le personnage principal expliquer' le problème raconter les actions et les événements imaginer une solution
Merci d'avance !​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Je sais pas si y a tous les éléments, mais j'avais eu un devoir dans le genre qui m'a valu la note maximale donc j'espère que ça peut t'aider !

Diary of Cassy ‘The Snake’ Darby, August 21st 1702

Today started like every other day on board The Howling Curse, our old good ship. The sun was burning our skins already damaged by the heat of the Caribbean, we had to chase the rats from our moldys’ biscuits and Two-teeth almost fell in the sea - again. As I watched the calm sea with my telescope, my fellow second, Devil’s smile tried to repair where we were on a map. We attacked Sparrow’s boat, The Vicious Sea, two days ago ; therefore, our goal today was to regain our strength.

Suddenly, I heard a scream from Devil’s smile and when I turned to her, she gave me a panicked look. I quickly understood what was happening when she screamed “military boat”. I gasped because the militaries were known to be organized, had the best weapons and had twice as many men ; in short, they were among the most dangerous opponents. Furthermore, their desire to erase the pirates like us was gigantic. However, we were tired since our last attack : some of us were injured and we lost a lot of us. In short, we were clearly not ready for a fight.

But we didn’t have any other choices. Therefore, we warn the others, raise the black flag with the skull and crossbones and prepare our own weapons : sabers.  When the boat finally reached us, we were ready and as soon as they went down on the deck, we went for them. As the captain of the ship, I was not only managing my crew but also attacking the most cruel and dangerous men ; with a certain ease. They maybe thought that a crew form only of women would be easy to beat but they were obviously wrong. In barely a few minutes, most of them were defeated, in spite of our numerical inferiority.

All of sudden, I heard footsteps behind me : it was the captain of the other ship, Terrence Taylor. It was between him and I, the person who will win this battle will be triumphant ; therefore, after a last look of defiance, we started fighting. I quickly realized that he was a really good fighter ; but was he better than me ? For a few minutes, I tried to deal a blow to him but he protected him with confidence, which really started to frustrate me. Suddenly, we heard a strange noise (I then learned it was a distraction from Devil’s smile) and Taylor turned his head ; a bad idea because I immediately sank my saber into his chest. I smiled when I saw his shocked face : I won.

The militaries who miraculously survived went back to their ship, insulting us while we were laughing. We cleared away the corpses by throwing them in the sea ; luckily, we treated the fishes to a meal. We then celebrate our victory by eating potatoes (for the first time since I can’t remember) that Two-teeth stole from the military boat. The day continued normally but maybe a little more happily than usual, savoring our victory.

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