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Utilisez les éléments donnés pour poser une qu
John / finish his homework - soon Has John just finished his homework?
- No, but he's going to finish it soon.
a. your father / take the train to London - soon
b. you / see that wonderful film - tonight
C. your friends / have breakfast - in a few minutes
d. Emily / watch the DVDs - this afternoon
e. your neighbours' son / take his A-levels* - tomorrow

Sagot :


b. will you see that wonderful film tonight

a. Have your father taken the train to London?
-no but he is going to take it soon .

b. Have you seen that wonderful film ?
-No but I’m going to watch it tonight.

c. Did your friends have breakfast ?
-no but they will take it in a few minutes.

d. Has Emily watched DVDs?
-no but she will watch it this afternoon.

e. Has your neighborhood’s son taken his A-levels ?
-no but he will take it tomorrow

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