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Bonjour, est ce que quelqu’un pourrai m’aider je n y arrive pas
Merci d’avance.

Bonjour Est Ce Que Quelquun Pourrai Maider Je N Y Arrive Pas Merci Davance class=

Sagot :



Réponse :

The detective  IS QUESTIONING all the people who WERE in the house

when the crime was COMMITTED. All of them are witnesses but also

potential suspects.

She wants to know where they WERE and what they WERE DOING when

Mrs Ashes was KILLED.

Miss Belle WAS HAVING tea while Mrs McLean WAS DUSTING the

bookshelves. Both of them WERE in the conservatory when they HEARD a

loud bang coming from the study.So they CLIMBED UP the stairs and

NOTICED the door was open: Mrs Ashes WAS LYING on the floor.The two

women WERE so shocked that they couldn’t speak, they DIDN’T


Mr Shaw WAS TAKING  a nap in the garden. He WAS SLEEPING  when he

HEARD screams coming from the house.The screams WOKE him up and

he FELL from his hammock and SCRATCHED his arms in the rose


Lord Henry Woolen WAS in his bedroom upstairs but he WASN’T

SLEEPING, he WAS WRITING a letter to a friend. He WAS PUTTING  it in

an envelope when he HEARD the gunshot. Then he HEARD footsteps in

the stairs, so he CAME out of his bedroom and SAW the door of the office

open.He SAW Mrs Belle anD Mrs Mclean who WERE STANDING next to

Mrs Ashes’s dead body.

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