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Sagot :
Réponse :
Bonjour, je suppose que c'est un pays anglophone, je pense que la Nouvelle-Zélande pourrait-être une bonne idée (originale de plus). Voici ci-dessous quelques éléments de réponses. N'hésite pas à me contacter pour d'autres informations, précisions ou explications! Je ne sais pas la forme que doit prendre ton travail mais si c'est une sorte d'exposé, l'insertion de photos serait peut-être intéressante!
Explications :
Name of the country : New-Zealand
Continent: Oceania
Capital city: Wellington
Anthem: God defend New Zealand (que Dieu défende la Nouvelle-Zélande)
National holiday: the 6th February (commemoration of the signature of the treaty of Waitangi (which stop the wars between the Maori and the english settlers).
Organisation: consitutional monarchy
Queen: Elisabeth II
Prime Minister: Jacinda Ardern
Official languages: English, Maori and sign languages
Currency: Dollars néo-zélandais (NZD)
Culture: The first inhabitants were the Maoris, during the 18th century, some englishman came in New-Zealand in order to colonize the territory.
There are some wars between the two peoples (= peuples). The country takes his independence in 1947 but New Zealand is still a member of the Commonwealth). So we can say that the culture of the New Zealand is a mix between the maori culture and the english cutlure.
Typical meal: Hangi (a maori recipe which consist in bake the meal in a hole in the ground (outdoor)). Moreover, there are some others meal like the hokey pokey which is a dessert which vanilla ice cream and some beats of honeycake).
Symbol of the country: the leaf of the silver fern
Sport: The rugby is certainly the speciality of the New-Zealand. The All-Blacks is one of the most famous and strong team of Rugby in the World.
Today the New-Zealand is a country which is very preoccupated by the social and health question like the tobacco and his progressive interdiction in the country.
This is about Australia :
First, Australia is one of the largest english speaker country in the world. This country is situated in Oceania and it is divided in 5 regions/parts.
(Western Australia - Nothern Territory - Queenland - South Australia and New South Wales)
The capital city is Camberra but maybe the most famous city is Sydney (according to the strangers or the tourists).
Aboriginal : The natives of Australia are aboriginals ! They appeared 28,000 years ago and today, saddenly they are the less part of the population represented in the whole counrty ! But they having left steps and traditions which have been resumed by the current population, for example "art".
Accessories : The Boomrangs and Didgeridoos ; These two objects were both invented by aborignial Australians. They used bommrangs to hunt animal such as kangaroos. The didgeriddoo is a wooden wind instrument. It's usually made from eucalyptus and is one to three metres long.
Animals : The red Kangaroo is the largest of all kangaroos and is safe for the moment, but some of its smaller cousins called wallabies, are in danger. The Koalas are also a typical australian animal.
Nature : How speaking about Australia without mentionned Great Barrier Reef and Ayers Rock (Uluru in australian dialect). GBR is the world's largest system of coral reef is off the coast of Queensland. Ayers Rock is probably the best symbol of Australia. Uluru is in a national park in the centre of Australia and it is scared to the aboriginal people who live there. The pecularities of this rock is that it could change colour depending of the position of the sun ! (Like a chameleon)
Australia day : January 26th is the anniversary of the day in 1788 when the British arrived in Australia and established a penal colony. Today, many Australians celebrate this day with fireworks, paraddes, ceremonies and barbecues.
Voili Voilou ^^ Hésite pas à compléter car c'est un peu court mais en vrai juste parler peut être du sport et des spécialités culinaires et franchement en temps qu'étudiant en études de LLCE ... ça vaut facilement 18 si tu rajoute 2/3 éléments supp.
Have a nice day ^^
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