est la solution idéale pour ceux qui recherchent des réponses rapides et précises à leurs questions. Rejoignez notre plateforme de questions-réponses et connectez-vous avec des professionnels prêts à fournir des réponses précises à vos questions. Découvrez des solutions complètes à vos questions grâce à des professionnels expérimentés sur notre plateforme conviviale.

Bonjour est ce que vous pouvez m’aider pour cet exercice d’anglais ?

Read the sentences and the questions, and circle the correct answers.
Ann has bought a new coat. Has she got the coat now? YES / PERHAPS
Grandma came to stay with us. Is Grandma with us now? YES / PROBABLY NOT
1 I made a cup of tea. Is there tea now? YES / PROBABLY NOT
2 Eric has made a cake. Is there a cake now? YES / PROBABLY NOT
3 Jane went to France. Is she there now? YES / DON'T KNOW
4 Alan has gone to Scotland. Is he there now? YES / DON'T KNOW
5 Pat and Al started a business. Is the business still running? YES / DON'T KNOW
6 Sue has started guitar lessons. Is she taking lessons now? YES / DON'T KNOW
7 The cat has run away. Is the cat at home now? NO / DON'T KNOW
8 The doctor sent Bill into hospital. Is he there now? YES / DON'T KNOW
9 Pete lost his glasses. Has he got his glasses now? NO / DON'T KNOW
10 Ann has cut all her hair off. Has she got any hair now? NO / DON'T KNOW

Sagot :







don't know

don't know



don't know



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