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Réponses :
1. This text deals with the issue of overweighted tennagers in fat camps. It explains whether fat camps are effective or not and if it is a real solution or not.
2. Original fat camps weren't genuinely successful since children used to endure weeks of "militaristic exercice and dieting". Plus, they would gain weight as soon as they came back home.
3. The most overweighted kids used to be made fun of.
4. The camp was lacking of professional staff. In fact, children have often been traumatized by something in their childhood and they need a real therapy with qualified therapists.
5. Today camps concentrate more about the children's behaviour. They teach them how to control themselves with food.
6. Actually, it works quite well since 90 percent of kids continue to lose weight once they get home.
7. The main issue is the price. Not everyone can afford this kind of camp even though he/she needs it. For a month, the camp charges $6250 without considering that kids stay for around 6 months... We should probably mention that most of the overweighted kids are poor...
8. I think that those camps can be really helpful if you are really handicapped by your weight and that you have tried everything to lose it. Though, there are probably other solutions to lose weight without having to spend tht much of money. Not to mention that you can be bullied or mocked...
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