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Hello everyone
I have an exercise in reported speech thanks for helping

Hello Everyone I Have An Exercise In Reported Speech Thanks For Helping class=

Sagot :



Réponse :

1. « Don’t do it! » 

She told me not to do it.

2. « I’m leaving tomorrow »

 He said (that ) he was leaving the next day.

3. « Please get me a cup of tea » 

She asked me to get her a cup of tea.

4. « She got married last year » 

She said ( that ) had got married the year before.

5. « Be quick! » 

She told me to be quick

6. « Could you explain number four, please? »

She asked me to explain number four. 

7. « Where do you live? » 

She asked me where I lived.

8. «  We went to the cinema and then to a Chinese restaurant »

She said they had gone to the cinema  and then to a Chinese restaurant.

9.  « I’ll come and help you at 12 » 

She said that she would come and help me at twelve.

10. « What are you doing tomorrow? » 

He asked me what I was doing the next day.

11. « Don’t go! »

She told me not to go.

12. « Do you work in London? » 

She asked me if I worked in London

13. « Could you tell me where the post office is? » 

He asked me to tell him where the post office was

14. « Come here! » 

He told me to come there.

15. »I’ve never been to Wales »  

She said that she had never been to Wales.

16. « Have you ever seen ‘Lord of the Rings’? » 

She asked me if I had ever seen ‘Lord of the Rings'

17. « I don’t like mushrooms » 

He said that he didn’t like mushrooms

.18. « Don’t be silly » 

She told me not to be silly.

19. « Would you mind waiting a moment please? » 

( il s’agit d’une demande polie qui est similaire à « Could you wait a moment please » ou «  Wait a moment please » Il faut donc utiliser «  asked someone + to do something »

 She asked me to wait  a moment.

20. « How often do you play sport? » 

He asked me how often I played sport

Explications :


- aux changements de temps

- aux changements de pronoms

- aux changementts d'indicateurs de temps. (" here" devient" there"; today" devient "that day", "tomorrow" devient  "the next day" ... )

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