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Need help please please please please please please

A. Choose a, b or c.
1. If Mary found out about this, she
very upset.
a. will be
b. would be
c. can be
a little faster, we
2. If you
could get there by noon.
4. If Gary ever went camping, he
it difficult to survive
b. will find
c. can fin
a. would find
5. If you
would see lots of penguins.
b. will go
to Antarctica, you
c. went
a. will drive
b. have driven
c. drove
a. g0
3. IfI
you, I'd invite Mary to
6. If I won a lot of money, I
my party.
on a long holiday.
a. am
b. were
c. will be
a. would go
b. will go
c. went
B. Complete the dialoque with the correct form of the verbs in brackeis.
A: Angela, if you (1)
(not work) in this shop
what (2)
(you / like) to do?
B: Well, I wish | (3)
(be) a rich and famous
A: Ah, I wish you (4)
(be) a bit more realistic!
B: Why do you say that? If I (5)
I'm sure it (6)
A: If I (7)
(direct) a film,
(be) a huge success.
(be) you, | (8)
(not be) so sure. Directing a film isn't easy.
B: How do you know?
A: If | (9)
B: You're kidding! Was it any good?
(tell) you that I directed a film once,
(you / believe) me?

Need Help Please Please Please Please Please Please A Choose A B Or C 1 If Mary Found Out About This She Very Upset A Will Be B Would Be C Can Be A Little Faste class=

Sagot :









A:if you worked in this shop what would you like to do?

B:well,I wish I was a rich and famous director.

A:Ah I wish you were a bit more realistic!

B:why do you say that?if I directed a film,I am sure it would be a huge success.

A:if I were you I would not be sure.directing a film isn't easy.

B: how do you know

A:if I told you I directed a film once, would you have believed me?


I hope that helps

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