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Svp aider moi c’est pour demain !!!!!!!!! Séquence 4 : Projet final (Production orale en continu)
Imagine you are a great adventurer who has travelled all over the world. Present your
exciting life to the class.
-Give information about your identity (name, age, identity)
-Tell about your experiences and graet deeds
-Tell about a particular experience (What? Where? When ? Who with ?)
Merci d’avance

Sagot :

-Hello my name is (ton nom et prénom) and i am ... years old.
-I travelled all around the world, looking for adventure and doing things to make the world a better place.
-A particular story i want to tell you about is when i was in India a few years ago. I was alone and i was walking around this little village when i heard cries. I followed the sound and found a little puppy stuck under a box. I helped it out and now this puppy is my best friend and his name is ....!