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bonjour j’ai un devoir sur le common wealth un oral mais il me fait l’écrit d’abord je n’y arrive vraiment pas pourriez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît il faut retrouver les 7 indications et il faut choisir un pays du common wealth et donc le présenter avec les infos ci contre merci d’avance

Bonjour Jai Un Devoir Sur Le Common Wealth Un Oral Mais Il Me Fait Lécrit Dabord Je Ny Arrive Vraiment Pas Pourriezvous Maider Sil Vous Plaît Il Faut Retrouver class=

Sagot :



J ai choisis South africa ( Afrique du sud)

1) Most of South Africa's landscape is made up of high, flat areas called plateaus.

2) South Africa is the sixth African country with the largest population, counting approximately 60 million individuals as of 2020. In 2021, the largest city in South Africa was Cape Town. The capital of Western Cape counted 3.4 million inhabitants, whereas South Africa's second largest city was Durban (eThekwini Municipality), with 3.1 million inhabitants. Note that when observing the number of inhabitants by municipality, Johannesburg I counted as largest city/municipality of South Africa.

3) 59,308,690 people

4) 1,221 million km²

5) At least thirty-five languages indigenous to South Africa are spoken in the Republic, ten of which are official languages of South Africa: Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swati, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu and Afrikaans. The eleventh official language is English, which is the primary language used in parliamentary and state discourse, though all official languages are equal in legal status, and unofficial languages are protected under the Constitution of South Africa, though few are mentioned by any name. South African Sign Language has legal recognition but is not an official language, despite a campaign and parliamentary recommendation for it to be declared one.

6) From 1910 to 1961, the Union of South Africa was a self-governing country that shared a monarch with the United Kingdom and the other Dominions of the British Empire. The monarch's constitutional roles were mostly delegated to the Governor-General of the Union of South Africa.

7) The animals

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bonne chance

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