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Sagot :
Réponse :
Once upon a time, there was a cute little girl with a red coat given by her grandmother. Everyone called her red coat because of that.
She loved her grandmother so much she went to see her every week. But one time.. she did'nt find her in her house.
"Grandma? Are you here ?" she asked. But no one answered.
She decided to check in the house.. but what she saw was horrifying!
"I'm here, on the bed" said the grandmother "this is my new fiancé, his name is Gerald. Say hi Gerald"
"But I thought your fiancé was the hunter-"
"Well about that.."
The door knocked and the hunter came in.
"WHO ARE YOUUUU?" He said.
Then the hunter shot the wolf in the head but grandmother had filmed everything and the hunter went to prison: this kind of wolf was a protected specy.
Chuis parti dans un délire laisse tomber xD
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