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Sagot :
1)Now that we have built our settlement, we must light the fire.
2)Luckily i’ve picked you up some branches and dead leaves on the the way and John has learned how to build a nice fire.
3)Personally , i haven’t tried yet, but i think it would be a good skill to master
4) Mary has brought some food we can cook.
i haven’t been out in the wild for a long time.
I think it has gave me endurance and faith in myself.
2)Luckily i’ve picked you up some branches and dead leaves on the the way and John has learned how to build a nice fire.
3)Personally , i haven’t tried yet, but i think it would be a good skill to master
4) Mary has brought some food we can cook.
i haven’t been out in the wild for a long time.
I think it has gave me endurance and faith in myself.
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