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ST Patrick: The Patron Saint of Ireland How well did you read? Now, use the text to fill in the blanks.

He ... .... around 385AD (in Northern England or in Wales) and he 461AD, or March 17th (in Ireland).
When he ........ 16 years old, pirates c..... him.
They s...... him as a slave to an Irish farmer.(.........)
So, he w......... as a shepherd on a farm.

But he b......... very religious and one day he h... .... ..a voice and he h......visions.
So, he e........ from the farm and after he France where he b.... .a priest. He s..... in France for 16 years.
Then, he r....... to Ireland and he c ...... the population to Christianity.
So, today, on March 17, which is St Patrick's Day, the Irish parade and wear green, to honour their Saint.

je voudrais avoir les mot dans les pointillés svp. !? Merci d'avance ​

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

was born, died

was, captured

sold (je sais pas celui là)


became, heard, had

escaped, went, became


returned, converted


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