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boujour pouvez vous m'aiderpour ceci svp !!
==> write the sentences using the passive voice ( ! Ne renote pas l'agent ! Attention au temps !). 1) The police caught the dangerous driver. 2) They did not stamp the letter ! 3) Someone told him his mother was in hospital. 4) Someone found my keys in the street. 5) An earthquake destroyed the town. 6) The mechanic cannot repair my car. 7) He will do this exercise later. 8) Children learn English everywhere in the world. 9) Nobody saw Solomon Northup after 1857. 10) In the painting, four marshalls escort Ruby.​

Sagot :



write the sentences using the passive voice ( ! Ne renote pas l'agent ! Attention au temps !).

À la voix passive, on conjugue BE au même temps que celui de la voix active + participe passé du verbe

On te précise de ne pas mettre le complément d'agent. je ne sais pas si c'est partout ou juste quand il n'y a aucune raison de le mettre. Je l'ai quand même mis lorsque celui-ci a un sens....

1) The police caught the dangerous driver.

The dangerous driver was caught by the police.

2) They did not stamp the letter !

  This lettre wasn't stamped!

3) Someone told him his mother was in hospital.

  He was told his mother was in the hospital.

4) Someone found my keys in the street.

  My keys were found in the street.

5) An earthquake destroyed the town.

 The town was destroyed by an earthquake.

6) The mechanic cannot repair my car.

   My car couldn't be repaired by the mechanic.

7) He will do this exercise later.

This exercise will be done later.

8) Children learn English everywhere in the world.

    English is learnt everywhere in the world.

9) Nobody saw Solomon Northup after 1857.

   Solomon Northup was never seen after 1857

10) In the painting, four marshalls escort Ruby.​

  In the painting, Rudy is escorted by four marshalls.


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