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bonjour vous pourriez me traduire ce texte en anglais svp merci d avance.

j ai choisi d effectuer mon stage dans la clinique vétérinaire "les tilleuls" à Varilhes. le personnel de la clinique est composé de deux vétérinaires qui consiste à prévenir les maladies,à soigner,à opéré les animaux et deux Secrétaire vétérinaire qui accueillent, informent sur les soins et les produits destinés à leurs animaux (nourriture,accessoires...). Vendredi , on a commencé la matinée avec Tchoupi,agé de 12 ans
le chien de Mme Gasparini (ma professeur d anglais) la vétérinaire lui a fait une anesthésie sur la veine pour pour pouvoir lui faire un détartrage des dents. Ensuite,on eu un chat qui faisait que se gratter et en se grattant il s est ouvert,elle a du lui mettre du Cicatrisant. Une chatte a l oeil un peu abîmé, un problème a l organisme, elle lui prend la fièvre elle a environ 40,elle a du la Re hydraté. puis on a eu un chien qui a un problème pour marcher, alors pour le débloquer et le soulager,elle a du lui faire une piqûre d antibiotique. J ai adoré ce stage car je ai assisté la vétérinaire lors des nombreuses consultations,en immobilisant et en rassurant l animal afin que il ne bouge pas trop. plus tard, j aimerai être assistant vétérinaire car j aime les animaux depuis tout petit et le contact humain. ​

Sagot :


I chose to do my internship in the veterinary clinic "les tilleuls" in Varilhes. the staff of the clinic is composed of two veterinarians who consist of preventing diseases, treating, operating the animals and two Veterinary Secretary who welcome, inform about the care and products intended for their animals (food, accessories ...). Friday, we started the morning with Tchoupi, aged 12 years

Mrs. Gasparini's dog (my English teacher) the veterinarian gave him

I chose to do my internship in the "les tilleuls" veterinary clinic in Varilhes. the staff of the clinic is made up of two veterinarians who consist of preventing diseases, caring for, operating on animals and two veterinary secretaries who welcome, inform about the care and products intended for their animals (food, accessories, etc.) . Friday, we started the morning with Tchoupi, 12 years old
Mrs. Gasparini's dog (my English teacher) the veterinarian gave him anesthesia on his vein so that he could do a scaling of his teeth. Then we had a cat that was just scratching and while scratching it opened up, she had to put Healing on it. A cat with a slightly damaged eye, a problem with the organism, she takes the fever from her, she is around 40, she had to rehydrate her. then we had a dog who has a problem walking, so to unblock him and relieve him, she had to give him an antibiotic injection. I loved this course because I assisted the veterinarian during the many consultations, immobilizing and reassuring the animal so that it did not move too much. later, I would like to be a veterinary assistant because I have loved animals since I was little and human contact.