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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider pour ce devoir SVP merci d avences

J'ai fait quelque truc mais le reste je n arrive pas.
Il faut mettre la texte au Prétérit :

The last movie I watched was Tim and Ted Templeton grew up. Tim was a stay-at-home dad while Ted was the CEO of a large corporation. One day, Tim discovers that his one-year-old daughter was a baby boss. She entrusts her father and uncle with the mission of infiltrating a school that represents a danger to humanity. To do this, Tim and Ted will have to drink a magic milk that will allow them to become children again for 48 hours. The two brothers will work together again to find out what the strange director of the establishment, Doctor Armstrong, is up to.

Sagot :


The last movie I watched was Tim and Ted Templeton Grew Up. Tim was a stay-at-home dad while Ted was the CEO of a large company. One day Tim discovered that his one year old daughter was a baby boss. She entrusted her father and uncle the mission of infiltrating a school that represented a danger to humanity. To do this, Tim and Ted had to drink a magic milk that allowed them to become children again for 48 hours. The two brothers worked together again to find out what the strange director of the establishment, Doctor Armstrong, is up to.

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