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Serait-il possible d’avoir un petit texte en anglais pour répondre à cette question svp!!
Pourquoi est-il plus difficile pour un fille d’intégrer une carrière scientifique?

Sagot :

Réponse :

Oui bien sûr je suis élève de seconde mais pour te rassurer j'ai 19 de moyenne en Anglais alors voici le texte que j'aurais remis à mon professeur.

Explications :

In my opinion, it is more difficult for a girl to integrate into a scientific career because first of all the socialization around us has a great influence on our future choice. For example, if in a household the mother works as a lawyer and the father works as a doctor or nurse, then their daughter will be more likely to move towards a sector that will be closer to the profession of the mother. Then it is known that the girls are "weak" then the difficulty which is more important in the scientific career the girls would abound more easily and will go in another career. However, not everyone is of this opinion, but the fact of socialization greatly influences the population.