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Bonjour pouvez vous m’aider s’il vous plaît merci
C’est pour lundi

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Sil Vous Plaît MerciCest Pour Lundi class=

Sagot :



Réponse :

Elvis Presley LIVED in a very poor family, but  he LOVED music so he

WENT to church every Sunday and SANG in a choir. When he WAS 13, his

mother BOUGHT him a guitar.

Then, In 1954, he WENT to a recording studio called Sun Records.The

secretary at the studio HEARD Elvis singing and she told her boss, Sam

Phillips.Phillips BECAME Elvis’ manager and Elvis MADE his first single -

That’s All Right Mama.People called him « The King of Rock and Roll Music

 » because he WAS very popular all over the world.

In 1955 Elvis appeared on TV in New York.

After that, in 1956, he WENT to Hollywood and MADE his first film ‘Love me

tender’. In the next two years, he MADE many songs.

Finally, in 1958 he joined the American army and WENT to Germany to be

a soldier. When he RETURNED to the United States in the 60s, pop music

BECAME different.British groups like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones

were the new stars.

To conclude, Elvis WAS a millionaire, but he WAS a very lonely man. In his

last years he became fat and very sad.

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