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Sagot :
Unfortunately, nature is a precious thing that should be occuped always but often or 99% of people doesn't care and doesn't give this issue the enough care.I propose to you and from today to take your rubbish in there places do not just left it everywhere,at least it should be 2 trees in your garden,give advices in a kind way,do not use your car to go everywhere,use your bycicle maybe..!
Nature is a unit common to all. Destroying it has consequences that disrupt the life course, we have one earth and we all have to share it, our actions have a big effect in it, it can be normal actions but do big achievements. We can use the both sides of the paper, turn off our computer at night, take short showers to save water and electricity. We should switch off the lights when ever we don’t need it, we should start recycling to reduce pollution. We should drive less and ride bikes more, we can take the stairs why use the lift when it’s only a few flights?. Many of these changes are irreversible and will affect the health of all humans and animals including plants.
P.s : i tried to help even my english is not really good
P.s : i tried to help even my english is not really good
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