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Bonjour, pouvez vous m’aider svp ! Merci d’avance

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Svp Merci Davance class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

a)The painting on the right is very serious and classic in the other hand, the left one is more of a parody, that carries a message.The left one is very colourful because there is a huge flag behind the main character whereas the second one is very "clean" and looks very angelic, it was maybe painted for a special person or occasion

b) I think the statue on the right was the first one built because it looks older and the left one is a remake of another statue with a flag that was added in the background.The background of the right one is more antic.

c)The second painting could be exposed in a museum because it's not a "parody" like the left one and it's more serious as well as authentic.

d)Je n'arrive pas a trouver la reference desole!

Explications :

J'ai utilisé des adjectifs en rajoutant "very" ou d'autre mots exagerateurs devant pour le superlatif et des mots comparateurs comme "in the other hand" = de l'autre cote etc

J'espere que ca t'a aide!

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