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bonjour traductions anglais si vous plaît vous pouvez tout traduire​

Bonjour Traductions Anglais Si Vous Plaît Vous Pouvez Tout Traduire class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

It was the 14th of July, when John and my sister Zoe decided to camp in the Sherwood forest. John read many scary stories but his sister didn't believe them and wasn't frightened at all. Today, John gave her a challenge to prove that the myth was true. He told her:

" Hey Zoe ! Did you know that on the 14th July many things can happen that will prevent you from sleeping at night ?

- No, stop this nonsense ! I'll prove you wrong and these are all lies.

[your handwriting isn't very clear at the end]

[ton écriture n'est pas très claire à la fin]