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bonsoir,quelqu’un peut m’aider svp?

Bonsoirquelquun Peut Maider Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Hey Mason!

Amazing I'm so excited for July to come!

I already booked our tickets because we will be going to San Fransisco and the prices could get really high if we wait another week or so!

Anyway we will land at 7pm and a cab will be waiting outside to drive us to our first hotel. The next day, I'd like for us to wake up around 8am so we can go to the Golden gate park and watch the views without thousands of other tourists.Then we will head to the one and only Golden Gate bridge so we can bike all the way to the other side (that's a 1.7 miles journey) and back.I'd like for us to finish this at 12 maximum so we can head to the city center because i know you'd love to try the original popsicle.After that we can just hang out around the city.The next day we will take a plane to Los Angeles! We'll be going around the city,visiting famous stars location and then we can go watch the sunset. After that, I ave nothing planned but we'll still be in America for 2 days so you decide!!

I'm so looking forward to this trip!

Your dear friend, Susy

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