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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aidez pour cet exercice svp je n'ai pas compris
Il fait soit mettre Who soit mettre Which

1. They are the trousers................. I told you about.

2. The shoes,................... I got for my birthday, have disappeared from my phys ed bag.

3. My cat,................. I got last year, has broken its leg.

4. Do you know the boy................ is sitting next to me?

5. Once upon a time there was a king.............. had a daughter.

6. The house,................... has orange windows, is next to ours.

7. Peter is the one.................. saved my life. 8. Casper is on the team won the prize.

9. She showed me her hand................... was hurt in the accident.

10. Look! This is the new dress................. I will be wearing for the wedding.

11. The knife in your hand is the one................ needs sharpening

12. The girl,................... had a budgie in a cage, has moved.

13. I go to the school................ has bad the best results for three years.​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. Which







8. Je ne vois pas ce que je doit completer dans la phrase






Explications :

J'espère que ceci t'aideras

Réponse :Bonjour,

1) They are the trousers which I told you about.

2) The shoes, which I got for my birthday, have disappeared from my physed bag.

3) ... who...

4) ... who ...

5) ... who ...

6) which ...

7) who ...

8) ..who...

9) which ...

10) ... which ...

11) .. which ...

12)... who... 

13) ... which...

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