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a 1 Conjugate in the past simple (+ affirmatil. - négatif. irrégulier) Lattle Red Riding Hood ............... (être) a little girl with a red hood. She has... (avoir-) grandmother who ...Fall.......... tomber-) sick her mother .....(demander-) her to go and bring her a basket full of food. On the say to her grandmother's, she rencontrer) the Big Bad Wolf. She (savoir-) he ..................être) bad so she ............. .(faire confiance) him. IIe ......... (dire/raconter) her to pick Rowers for her grandmother out of the path. While she was picking flowers, the Wolf ........ (courir) to the grandmother's cottage and ........... ............ (manger) her up whole. The Wolf (prendre) her granny's clothes and ........ ....... (mettre ) them on. When Red ................. (arrive) at her grandmother's, she (reconnaitre-) her granny. The Woll .................... .(manger) her up too. Then he ....... (tomber) asleep and ............ (ronfler+) loudly that hunter (entendre t) him. He ...........we.bstrer (rentrer aller dans) the little cottage, (voir+) the Wolf, ...louvrir) up his belly and .(libérer-) them. Then Red (mettre) stones into his belly and Granny (coudre) him up again. When the Wolf (s'éveiller) up, he .....ales..........(être) thirsty he (aller) to the river to drink and fell........... (tomber ) into it and then he...... . (se noyer-). SO a So went ...feel 2 Conjugate in the past continuous (WAS/WERE+ verb-ING). (chapter d. har hl​

Sagot :

1 was
2 got
3 fell
4 asked
5 met
6 knew
7 was
8 had confidence
9 told
10 ate
11 took
12 put
13 arrived
14 recognized
16 fell
17 snored
18 heard
19 liberated
20 put
22 woke
23 was
26 drowned
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