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bonjour s'il vous plaît vous pouvez m'aider j'arrive pas s'il vous plaît merci merci merci merci en anglais ​

Bonjour Sil Vous Plaît Vous Pouvez Maider Jarrive Pas Sil Vous Plaît Merci Merci Merci Merci En Anglais class=

Sagot :



transform the following sentences into the indirect speech

a- He wondered when The Amish arrived in the USA.

b- They asked if they could visit the village the following day.

c- She informed them that she was spending three weeks in the USA

with her family.

d- They pointed out that they had been saving  for their trip.

e- I asked the girl if she was going to leave the community in the future.


bonne journée☺☺☺