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Choose the correct option: *** 1.- The doctor ...... in the local hospital now. a) works b)is working 2.- Michael .... shopping with his father on Saturdays. a) goes b)is going 3.-Roberto (catch) the bus in the morning a) catches b)is catching 4.- The girl often (drink) milk for breakfast. a) drinks b)is drinking 5.- It's 9.00pm and my family ....... Dinner. a) has b)is having 6.-Claire ........ her lessons at 2,15pm a) is finishing b)finishes 7.- Paula and you the new magazine ### now. a) are reading b) read​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. is working, 2. goes. 3.catches. 4.drinks. having. 6. finishes. 7.are reading

Explications :